- 2025.03.05. Quantum Crossroads. What a Time-Poor CISO Needs to Know. Google Cloud CISO Community. Bagshot, UK.
- 2024.10.02. Navigating the Quantum Leap. (joint talk with Kevin Kissell, Google Cloud). Google Cloud CISO Community. New York, NY, United States.
- 2024.10.24. Security and Compliance in Public Cloud. Lecture for “Telecommunications and Security Management (B-KUL-H05S2A)” at KU Leuven. Leuven, Belgium.
- 2024.10.02. Sicherheit im KI-Zeitalter (in German). Google Cloud Summit Austria. Vienna, Austria.
- 2024.10.02. Security Roundtable: KI als Game-Changer oder Hype im Kampf gegen Cyber-Angreifer? (in German). Google Cloud Summit Austria. Vienna, Austria.
- 2024.10.01. Sicherheit im KI-Zeitalter (in German). Partner Summit co-located with Google Cloud Summit Austria. Vienna, Austria.
- 2024.09.25. From Math to the C-Suite - Discussing Enterprise Security in the Quantum Age. HTW’24: High-Tech Women 2024. Invited Talk. Darmstadt, Germany. slides
- 2024.07.04. Crypto Agility in the Enterprise. COSIC Course on Cryptography and Cyber Security 2024. Invited Lecture. Leuven, Belgium.
- 2024.03.21. Securing AI - Similar or different? Google Cloud Security Forum. Zürich, Switzerland.
- 2023.11.09. Security and Compliance in Public Cloud. Lecture for “Telecommunications and Security Management (B-KUL-H05S2A)” at KU Leuven. Leuven, Belgium.
- 2023.10.03. Sicherheit in der Cloud – Technik und Recht im Einklang. (joint talk with Jutta Oberlin, Google Cloud). Swiss Legal Tech Conference. Zurich, Switzerland.
- 2023.06.26. Digital Sovereignty. Google Cloud Security Forum. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- 2023.06.15. Data Governance. Google Cloud Security Forum. Stockholm, Sweden.
- 2023.05.25. Security & Data enabled for Business Growth. Keynote at Global IT Security Summit, Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
- 2022.11.30. Security and Compliance in Public Cloud. Lecture for “Telecommunications and Security Management (B-KUL-H05S2A)” at KU Leuven. Leuven, Belgium.
2022.09.13. Google Cloud Security (in German). (joint talk with Katja Sommerfeld, Google Cloud). Digital X. Cologne, Germany.
- 2021.11.25. IT-Sicherheit, Datenschutz und Compliance im Finanzsektor. Google Cloud Webinar (rerun in May 2022).
- 2021.11.10. Security and Compliance in Public Cloud. Lecture for “Telecommunications and Security Management (B-KUL-H05S2A)” at KU Leuven. Leuven, Belgium.
- 2021.03.26. Advanced Data-Centric Data Protection for AI and Machine Learning. Panel presentation at Leuven AI Law & Ethics Conference (LAILEC) 2021. Virtual Conference.
- 2020.11.18. Crypto Agility in the Financial Sector - A Practitioner’s View. ISF World Congress 2020. Online Seminar.
- 2020.11.10. Protecting Customer Data on Multi-Hybrid Cloud – Case Study. Thales EMEA Virtual Partner Summit 2020. Virtual Conference.
- 2020.10.12. The Cost of a Data Breach : from cybersecurity attacks to security operations. Lecture for “Telecommunications and Security Management (B-KUL-H05S2A)” at KU Leuven. Leuven, Belgium.
- 2020.09.29. Developing Crypto Agility : a practical view. ISF Francophone Chapter. Virtual Conference.
- 2020.01.09. Implementing a Crypto Services Strategy at ABN AMRO Bank. (joint talk with Tiago Teles, ABN AMRO Bank). Real World Crypto 2020. New York, NY, United States. slides youtube (starts minute 0:56:00)
- 2019.11.05. Cryptography Services 2020 and Beyond. 21st ISSE Conference 2019. Keynote. Brussels, Belgium.
- 2019.06.06. Enterprise Security. COSIC Course - International Course on Cyber Security and Cryptography 2019. Invited Lecture. Leuven, Belgium.
- 2019.05.21. Transport Layer Security / Enterprise Key and Certificate Management. ISACA TLS Round Table. Lecture / training for ISACA. Brussels, Belgium.
- 2019.05.08. Crypto Agility. Regional Conference GSE Belux. Elewijt, Belgium.
- 2018.11.06. Cryptography for Enterprises & Quantum Risk Assessment. 20th ISSE Conference 2018. Keynote. Brussels, Belgium.
- 2018.01.08. Enterprise Key and Certificate Management. ECRYPT-CSA School on Societal Aspects of Cryptology and on Business and Innovation in Crypto. Invited Talk. Zurich, Switzerland.
- 2016.12.19. Risk-based Security Architecture for Data Protection. LSEC Event on GDPR. Brussels, Belgium.
- 2016.07.15. Architectures for the IoT. IPICS Academic Summer School. (joint talk with Stefaan Van daele). Leuven, Belgium.
- 2015.05.18. Member of 3TU.NIRICT Panel: Cyber Security - Secure Information Sharing. Triple Helix. 3TU Innovation & Technology Conference 2015. Inspirations for the Research Agenda 2025. Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
- 2015.02.27. Weaknesses in Smart Metering Cryptography. Cryptography Working Group. Utrecht, The Netherlands.
- 2013.12.17. Cryptanalysis of Code-based Cryptography. Fourteenth IMA International Conference on Cryptography and Coding. Oxford, United Kingdom. Invited tutorial. slides
- 2013.06.19. Lectures on Elliptic-Curve Cryptography and NTRU. Ph.D. course “Theoretical and Practical Topics in Resource-Efficient Cryptography.” Kongens Lyngby, Denmark.
- 2013.06.08. The k-sum Problem. Lecture at Ice Break. Reykjavik, Iceland. slides
- 2013.04.09. List Decoding. MSR Cryptography Group Seminar. Redmond, WA, United States.
- 2013.03.14. Applications of Information-set Decoding in Cryptanalysis. MSR Talk Series. Redmond, WA, United States. slides
- 2013.01.16. Algebraic-Geometric Codes for Code-based Cryptography. HGI Colloquium. Bochum, Germany. Invited talk. slides
- 2012.11.01. AG codes in code-based cryptography (or how to end a bad reputation). Trends in Coding Theory. Ascona, Switzerland. slides
- 2011.12.02. Wild McEliece Incognito. PQCrypto 2011. Taipei, Taiwan. slides
- 2011.09.29. Curves, Codes, and Cryptography. DTU crypto group seminar. Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark.
- 2011.09.20. Code-based Cryptography. Elliptic Curve Cryptography conference (ECC 2011). Nancy, France. Invited talk. slides
- 2011.08.16. Playing “Spot the Difference” with Springer. CRYPTO 2011 Rump Session. Santa Barbara, CA, United States. slides
- 2011.04.14. An Introduction to Post-Quantum Cryptography/Code-based Cryptography. CrossFyre. Darmstadt, Germany. slides
- 2011.04.01. Wild McEliece Incognito. Séminaire de Cryptographie. Rennes, France. Invited talk. slides
- 2010.11.18. Ball-collision decoding. Oberseminar Cryptography and Computer Algebra. Darmstadt, Germany. Invited talk. slides
- 2010.11.05. Wild McEliece. Discrete Mathematics Seminar. Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark. slides
- 2010.10.28. Off-Shor. JQI/NIST Quantum Information Workshop. College Park, MD, United States. Invited talk. slides
- 2010.10.01. Wild McEliece. EIDMA/DIAMANT Cryptography Working Group. Utrecht, the Netherlands. Same slides as for the Intercity Number Theory Seminar.
- 2010.09.17. Wild McEliece. Intercity Number Theory Seminar. Eindhoven, the Netherlands. slides
- 2010.08.12. Wild McEliece. Selected Areas in Cryptography (SAC) 2010. Waterloo, Canada. slides
- 2010.05.28. Ball-collision decoding. Recent Results Session PQCrypto 2010. Darmstadt, Germany. slides
- 2010.05.26. Information-set decoding for linear codes over Fq. PQCrypto 2010. Darmstadt, Germany. slides
- 2010.04.19. Algebraic construction of the Elkies factor. Workshop on Counting Points: Theory, Algorithms and Practice. Montréal, Canada. slides
- 2010.04.12. Code-based Cryptography. Workshop on Computer Security and Cryptography. Montréal, Canada. Invited talk. slides
- 2009.09.10. FSBday: Implementing Wagner’s generalized birthday attack against the SHA-3 round-1 candidate FSB. Joint talk by Peter Schwabe and myself at SHARCS 2009. Lausanne, Switzerland. slides
- 2009.07.17. A successful attack on the McEliece cryptosystem with original parameters. S3CM 2009 - Applied Computational Algebraic Geometric Modelling. Soria, Spain. slides
- 2009.06.16. FSBday: Implementing Wagner’s generalized birthday attack against the SHA-3 candidate FSB. Joint talk by Peter Schwabe and me at the Code-based crypto day at INRIA. Paris-Rocquencourt, France. slides
- 2009.06.12. Attacking the McEliece cryptosystem. Google Europe Anita Borg Scholarship Retreat 2009. Zürich, Switzerland. poster
- 2009.05.12. Explicit Bounds for Generic Decoding Algorithms for Code-Based Cryptography. WCC 2009. Ullensvang, Norway. slides
- 2009.04.28. A brief look at the 56 SHA-3 submissions. Joint “talk” by Michael Naehrig, Peter Schwabe, and me during the rump session of Eurocrypt 2009. Cologne, Germany. slides lyrics and chords
- 2009.04.01. Explicit Bounds for Generic Decoding Algorithms for Code-Based Cryptography. EIPSI seminar. Eindhoven, the Netherlands. slides
- 2009.02.20. Advances in Information-Set Decoding. EIDMA/DIAMANT Cryptography Working Group. Utrecht, the Netherlands. slides
- 2008.10.18. Attacking and defending the McEliece cryptosystem. PQCrypto 2008 ‒ 2nd Workshop on Post-Quantum Cryptography . Cincinnati, OH, United States. slides
- 2008.10.01. Attacking and defending the McEliece cryptosystem. EIPSI seminar. Eindhoven, the Netherlands. slides
- 2008.09.17. Counting points on elliptic curves over Fq. DIAMANT Summer School on Elliptic and Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptography. Eindhoven, the Netherlands. slides
- 2008.07.10. Edwards Curves. S3CM 2008 - Algebraic Coding Theory. Soria, Spain. slides
- 2008.06.20. Edwards Curves. Séminaire de Cryptographie. Rennes, France. Invited talk. slides
- 2007.12.11. Optimizing double-base elliptic curve single-scalar multiplication. INDOCRYPT 2007 ‒ 8th International Conference on Cryptology in India. Chennai, India. slides
- 2007.11.29. Optimizing double-base elliptic curve single-scalar multiplication. DIAMANT/EIDMA Symposium November 2007. Soesterberg, the Netherlands. slides
- 2007.11.23. Edwards Curves. CACAO Seminar, LORIA institute. Nancy, France. slides